I must apologize to my readers (all three of you) for my lack of updates recently. School and work have come together in an unholy union of pure busy, so I haven't really had the time to write anything. Since both will be coming to an end shortly, I should have more updates relatively soon. In the meantime, enjoy a few links that have brought me great amusement in the last two months:
The Reason For My URL
Proof That Eliminating Characters Is The Best Way to Liven Things Up
I've Got Balls Of Steel! (Note: definitely NSFW)
How To Win An Oscar By Yelling For Two Hours
The Reason John Kerry Lost The 2004 Election
I Guarantee You'll Think Of This The Next Time You Have Thanksgiving Dinner
Metal Gear Primary: Solid Obama vs. Liquid Clinton...tell me that's not an evil laugh
Mace Obama Meets His End
I think that's enough for now. I should have something more substantial for you by the end of next week; until I find a job, I don't exactly have a ton to do.
awesome "linkage"
- Cody -
You know, the Garfield without Garfield site... creepy as hell how much sense the comic makes...
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